Fun and Games

Older Couple Playing Games

Everyone, or most everyone loves to have fun. That shouldn’t change as a senior. Sometimes fun can also be a form of exercise…sneaky huh? Just because we are getting older doesn’t mean we should have to sit on the couch and rot away. It actually should be the opposite!!!

When you are younger and raising a family chances are you are working many hours to support your family. Things like fun and vacations happen on the weekends (if you’re not working) and on a vacation week (if you get vacation time) or two.

As we age and retire, or at least slow down a little, we now have time to have a little fun and do things we never had time to do before. If you worked your whole life and never had time for fun, fear not. I got you covered. This page will lead you to articles on all the different ways to have fun.


If you would like to see an article on a specific game, drop me a comment below and I will add it to my list.