Back in October, I wrote the article “I’ve Got What? That Can’t Be“. To bring you up to speed real quick the gist of the article was that my crappy eating habits jumped my A1C to a reading of 10.6!!! My Dr wanted to put me on medication. I refused and told him I would get it down on my own. You can read the full article using the link below.
Blood Test Did Not Go Well
Then, 3 months after that, a promise to lower it on my own, and another blood test, it only went down to 10.0. That office visit did not go well. He was a little more forceful and almost begged me to at least go on Metformin. I reluctantly agreed. I filled the prescription but never started taking it. After researching online and talking to people who were on it, the side effects scared me to death.
Had To Go KETO
I decided to give it one more chance. I had 6 months before the next blood test to get it down. It was kind of a do-or-die situation. I had one more chance to get my numbers down and not have to go on medication or insulin. Remember, I took a big chance because the Dr thought I was taking the Metformin. What did I turn to? Keto.
I Set The App To 50 Carbs A Day
It was from this point I decided to go strict KETO. I set up my Carb Manager App to 50 Grams of Carbs per day. I did really well. I passed up many pizza get-togethers and brought my own food to family gatherings. I even brought my own food to day trips we went on. Lots of eggs, meat, a small amount of cheese, and chicken.
Lots of Walking
I also started walking every morning. I would get up early, most times with my wife, and walk a minimum of 1.5 miles. If we got more in that was great but 1.5 was the minimum. Toward the end of the 6-month time limit, I added in light strength training with bands.
I Got Some Welcome Help
I must say my wife was very helpful during this time. Even though she was not doing KETO, she researched to find different ways to disguise the meats so it didn’t seem like I was eating the same thing every night. She even researched KETO desserts!!!
Start Reading Labels
It’s unbelievable to see how high the carbs and sugars are in your favorite foods. When you start reading labels it really opens your eyes. I started going with her food shopping and every time I grabbed something off the shelf she was like “You might want to take a look at the label”…lol. Even foods that were supposedly “heart healthy” were loaded with carbs and sugars!!!
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Big Pharma and Big Food
I am really starting to believe that these food and drug companies want you to buy their crap foods (that do taste really good by the way) and stay on medication to control your illnesses like diabetes (type 2) and high blood pressure. It’s the perfect combo for these large companies. The thing is I am not one that likes to take any kind of medication. If a Dr says I need to go on medication for something (long-term) I will research ways to correct the problem naturally.
Pizza, Apple Pies, and Cookies!!!
I know many people with type 2 diabetes who are not willing to do that. They are happily eating whatever they want and just take a pill or insulin injection to control their numbers. I would love to do that. Pizza, apple pies, and cookies!!!! That would be great!!!. The problem is I am just not programmed like that. The thought of injections, pills, and lancing fingers to follow my numbers throughout the day just does not appeal to me.
I Was Skeptical
So for me, I had to try a natural way. One that I think I can follow and that I think has a pretty good chance of success. I was told about KETO many years ago while working a summer gig at a KOA in Ouray Colorado. The owner was doing KETO and swore by it. I was naturally skeptical but read some books she recommended and watched some of the videos by Dr’s she told me about. Towards the end of the summer, I decided to try it and wow, I lost a ton of weight. I also noticed that I started getting my energy back. It was a Win/Win!!!
Oh No, A Pizza Gathering
The season ended and we were off to our next campground. I kept up KETO for a while after that but somewhere along the line, I screwed up. I think it was a pizza gathering. Why not, I feel great. I will have a couple of slices, what can it hurt? Well, it was all downhill from there. Slowly but surely I was back to pizza, apple pies, and cookies. My weight shot up to 333lbs!!! That was even though I was still walking.
Drumroll Please!!!
Now back to the present. I guess you are wondering how that last blood test went…lol. Drumroll, please….
My weight is down to 288lbs and my A1C is now 5.7!!! I feel great!!! When I went for the follow-up Dr appointment he couldn’t believe it. He was super impressed that I did it with no medication. It was kind of funny because when he walked into the exam room he came right over to me and without saying a word shook my hand. All he could say was “wow” and “nice job”.
I Welcome The Challenge
I know that 5.7 is still considered “pre-diabetic” but with a huge drop like that, I know I am headed in the right direction. The talk of taking a pill or insulin shots is off the table. I know I have more work to do and I welcome the challenge. By the way, if you are wondering about my other numbers (some of which were concerning) they are all back to normal levels except for cholesterol. They are a little high (by today’s standards) but actually came down a tiny bit.
My next bloodwork is scheduled for around September. I will keep you informed.
If you have had success lowering your A1C with KETO or any other way (without medication) let me know how you did it in the comments below.
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