Health and Fitness

Everything and anything that has to do with mental and physical health and fitness will be found here. I will cover mental well being, walking, strength training, diet, and weight loss. I will post articles on my health journey and how I brought my A1C down without medication and lost over 30lbs and am still losing!!!

Seniors Walking Around a Lake

Keep in mind that I AM NOT A DR, and these articles are based on my life and what worked for me. You should always consult your Dr or health care team before you make any changes to your diet or start an exercise program.

If you have a topic relating to health and fitness you would like to see me cover, drop me a comment and I will do my best to make it happen

  • Understaning High Blood Pressure
    High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide, including a significant number of senior citizens. It is often called the “silent killer” because it typically has no symptoms but can lead to serious health problems if left untreated. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding … Read more
  • Benefits Of Cardio Training For Seniors
    As we age, maintaining an active lifestyle becomes increasingly important for our health and well-being. Cardio training, in particular, offers numerous benefits for seniors, from improving cardiovascular health to enhancing mental well-being. In this article, I will explore the benefits of cardio training for seniors, how to get started, the importance of combining cardio with … Read more
  • Strength Training For Senior Citizens
    Strength training, also known as resistance training, offers numerous benefits for seniors, including improved muscle strength, better balance, enhanced mobility, and increased bone density. For seniors, incorporating strength training into their routine can lead to a healthier, more active lifestyle, reducing the risk of falls and improving overall well-being. Benefits of Strength Training for Seniors … Read more
  • The Importance Of Regular Check Ups
    Aging is an inevitable part of life, and as we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can affect our health. For seniors, maintaining good health can become increasingly challenging due to the natural aging process, as well as the potential for chronic conditions and other health issues. Regular medical check-ups are essential for seniors … Read more
  • 10 Tips For Staying Fit After After 60
    Entering your senior years doesn’t mean slowing down or becoming sedentary. In fact, staying active becomes even more crucial for maintaining health and vitality. Regular exercise not only helps in managing weight but also improves mood, boosts energy levels, and enhances overall well-being. If you’re over 60 and looking to maintain an active lifestyle, here … Read more
  • What is The Ketogenic Diet
    You may have heard about the keto diet/lifestyle, which has made quite the buzz in the realm of weight loss and health optimization. This diet is known for its high fat, moderate protein, and low carbohydrate approach. But what exactly is the keto diet/lifestyle, and why has it gained such a following? Before I go … Read more
  • What Is A Low Carb Diet
    I get a lot of questions about low carb diets, so let’s clear the air on what they actually are. A low carb diet is straightforward – it’s an eating plan that reduces carbohydrates, typically found in sugary foods, pasta, and bread. Instead, it emphasizes foods high in protein and fat. Before I go any … Read more
  • I’ve Got What? Update
    Back in October I wrote the article “I’ve got what? That Can’t Be“. To bring you up to speed real quick the gist of the article was that my crappy eating habits jumped my A1C to a reading of 10.6!!! My Dr wanted to put me on medication. I refused and told him I would … Read more
  • Different Ways To Walk
    Since I wrote an article about walking not being boring (Walking Don’t Have To Be Boring) I figured I would mention that there are different ways to walk. By that I mean you can do day hikes, overnight hikes, nature trails, trails in state/national//local parks, or paved walkways. We will take a look at each … Read more
  • Walking Does Not Have To Be Boring
    As we age and hit retirement age we tend to tell ourselves we are not going to stress ourselves out anymore. This often means sitting back on your reclining chair more often. During your working days, you probably had a set schedule. Get up in the morning, hit the gym (maybe the gym in the … Read more
  • I’ve Got What? That Can’t Be
    For the last 60 years, I have always pretty much done what I wanted. Some things worked out and some things totally backfired. One thing that I have always enjoyed doing was eating. I love to eat as I’m sure a lot of people do. I never really cared about the nutritional value of food … Read more